Saturday, May 7, 2016


Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions.   They are listed in no particular order. 

What’s next?

Trusting God in the day to day.  Working my admin assistant job and adjusting to many new things for now.  This first year back I am giving myself some margin to be able to adjust to new surroundings and prayerfully consider the opportunities that God opens up to me.

Why did you leave Nicaragua?
Whether to stay or whether to go is something that has always been covered with much prayer each year.  When I moved to Nicaragua I had made a 2 year commitment yet knew that I would be there for longer.  Many of you have heard me say,  “I’m here until God sends me somewhere else.”  God affirmed that for many years.   For the past 2 years as I prayed about the next year I felt that God was preparing my heart for an upcoming change.  1 year ago as I was praying and seeking Godly counsel from my leaders it seemed like the path was laid before me to leave Nicaragua and return to the States.  Honestly,  as right as I knew the decision was it was really hard for me to accept the idea of leaving Nicaragua,  the people and place I have grown and loved so dearly.   Through a variety of different circumstances, conversations and people God confirmed the timing of my return. 

How will we know about what is happening at NCA Matagalpa?

You can follow NCAM’s facebook page to see pics of some of the happenings  at the school.   You can also ask me, I am still in communication with people there and can share updates as I have them.   

Will you go into education in the US?
I’m still praying about this.   I plan to take a break for this year from the pressures and emotional commitment that being a teacher involves.   My head and my heart need a little recovery time before I’m ready to get back into that area of ministry.   Also,  my current teaching certificate is only valid in the state of Texas and I will need to apply for a transfer to South Carolina when I am ready.  However, if you know me well you know that I can’t stay away from kids and opportunities to be involved for long.   I have found a few local opportunities to use my Spanish and my teaching heart to volunteer.   Right now I have a peace about this and am enjoying being able to leave my job at 5pm and not have loads of lesson plans, grading and school work to do.

Will you return to Nicaragua?
At this point only God knows what the future holds.    I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will go back and visit but as far as moving  back for ministry I don’t know.   I miss my friends, the culture and the school very much and anticipate a visit to see them all in the future but as far as moving back  we’ll see where God leads.

What do you need right now?
·      Prayer for a few good, close friends here in Greenville.    It is easy in this culture to have lots of
     friends that you can hang out with and have a good time with but my heart is longing for a few deeper friendships.
·      Prayer for the continued re-entry process. 
·      Praise God I am covered financially as I transition from my support with Christ For the City  and now having a job as I set up a home and life in the USA for now.

What are ways that I can continue to support NCA?
  • ·      You can continue to collect Spanish books for the Library.  Every year in May we have access to a shipping container and can send the books down to the school.
  • ·      You can also support  building Capital Fund projects, the library and more through the Resourcing Christian Education website.  and select NCA Matagalpa Capital Projects  or NCA Matagalpa Library
  • ·      Support other missionaries who are serving at NCA Matagalpa

o   Nathan Sandahl and his family   Nathan is the Operations Manager at the school and  he and his family are a tremendous blessing to the community.
                       Missionary Ventures International

                                          P.O. Box 593550
                                          Orlando, FL 32859-3550

What is your greatest joy when you think about your time in Nicaragua?

The beautiful relationships that filled my life.   Relationships with dear people that became like family both Nicaraguan and members of the ex-pat community.   Also the relationship with the culture as I learned the idiosyncrasies of the day to day.

What Nicaraguan food do you miss?

I miss me some good ol' Gallo Pinto (red beans and rice).  I've made it a few times here and it is just not quite the same as Alba's Gallo Pinto back in Matagalpa.   

If you have more questions please feel free to email me and I'll add them to the list.  

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