Sunday, February 28, 2010

Procedures and Routines, Rules and Consequences

Hmm.... sounds like a lot of teacher stuff eh! Well you're right! This weekend has been full of opportunities to work with Nicaraguan teachers.

Friday a group of teachers from NCA went to Colegio Hosanna Sur and did two work shops. One group of NCA teachers worked with the upper elementary and secondary teachers while the other group worked with the lower elementary teachers. There was lots of creativity shared and fun lessons and objectives written or discussed during our time together. Our group acted out the life cycle of a plant. It was a very artistic dramatization. :-)

Saturday I was invited to a small town 45 minutes from Managua to share some teaching strategies with teachers at a local public school. 7 wonderful women were there. We had a great time working through some classroom management ideas. God showed up in a very special way as we were talking about building relationships with our students and making an impact in their lives. God opened up the door for us to talk about Him and the value of prayer with our students. In Nicaragua there are no hard and fast rules about religion in the schools therefore making it possible for these teachers to pray with their students. It was a wonderfully sweet time.

Here are some of the ladies making their rules posters to take back to their classrooms. They were so excited to write out their Positive Responsabilities for their students to follow. Pray for these seven women that as they go to their classroom on Monday that the Lord would grant them strength, creativity, patience and lots of love for their students.

I continue to praise God for the opportunities he has granted me to share with teachers here in Nicaragua. I pray that he would continue to use me in meaningful ways in the field of education.

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