Sunday, August 17, 2008

moving at a snails pace

Good news and bad news have surrounded the truck this week. We finally got the resolution from the police on who caused the accident. We lost! That's the bad news but the good news is that we can now get quotes on what it is going to cost to fix the truck or sell it.

Here is my truck sitting at NCA while we wait. We covered the engine so that the rain wouldn't cause any more damage.

I just got the first quote yesterday and so far it is not looking feasable to repair the truck. I am beginning to raise funds for buying a new vehicle. If you are interested in helping me out in this way you can send in your donation to:

Christ for the City
P.O. Box 241827
Omaha NE 68124

Mark your donation with my name and Travel and Expenses. This will ensure that it goes towards a new vehicle. Thanks in advance for your prayers and donations in this area.

God continues to be faithful in providing for me. My roommate Mary just bought a new car and her old one hasn't sold yet so she is letting me borrow it until it sells. God is so good!

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